Daniel Dehner ’83

Associate Presenter for Walk Thru the Bible Ministries in Atlanta, GA

Bachelor of Church Music

Please describe your position and what you enjoy most about it.

As an Associate Presenter I am currently leading the otLive presentations which hopes to bring the Old Testament into focus and give the participants a framework for their own study of the scriptures. 自1976年以来, Walk Thru the Bible has helped people overcome obstacles to knowing and living God’s Word. Our innovative live events and high-quality biblical resources inspire passion and advance biblical literacy in more than 140 countries around the world. By following the 2 Timothy 2:2 model of equipping teachers to teach 其他s, we will reach and impact more than four million people through our live events and biblical resources this year.

What aspects of your HLGU experience helped you prepare for your career?

By participating in ministry preparation events and the classes I had in music leadership and education, HLG was a big part of my ministry experience through the years. I have had a wide variety of positions through the years that were helped by the experiences I had at HLG (music/worship leadership, 牧师, education director, cults seminars, 等).

What have you enjoyed most about your career?

各种! Each position was different in so many ways!

Have you or are you currently continuing your education? If so, please list the institution(s) and degree(s) you earned or are working toward.

At this time I am attempting to stay current with newer technology at our church (Antioch Baptist Church, 汉尼拔, MO). As music director the “tech” part of the ministry pretty much falls under my direction!

How did HLGU shape you as a person?

My time at HLG and the experiences I had there have given me a confidence I didn’t have before when being in front of a group (congregation/seminar participants/class members).