
  • Unapologetically Christian - Our commitment to Jesus Christ is at the heart of who we are. HLGU is affiliated with the 密苏里州 Baptist Convention (Southern Baptist). While many of our students are Baptist, most 其他 denominations are represented on campus.
  • Diverse Academic Programs - 汉尼拔-LaGrange offers more than 36 majors on the baccalaureate level and master level courses in education, education administration and leadership. 除了, several pre-professional programs are offered on the associate level. An honors program is available for gifted and highly motivated students.
  • Attractive 位置 - HLGU is located just 100 miles north of St. 路易, 密苏里州 and is situated on 110 acres of scenic hills and woods on the bluffs above the 密西西比州 River. Campus is just a few minutes from 汉尼拔’s historic downtown and is within walking distance to a variety of chain restaurants and shopping.
  • Just the Right Size - With about 500 students, HLGU is sized right for personal attention from faculty and staff. The student/faculty ratio is 13:1. Most classes have under twenty students, providing for more interaction.
  • An Affordable Investment - HLGU is one of the most reasonably priced private universities in the Midwest. 除了, 100% of our undergraduate students receive financial aid in the form of scholarships, 贷款, 奖助金, 和勤工助学. For more information contact the Office of 金融援助 at 573-629-3279 or email: financialaid@anna-mina.com
  • 我们的学生 - Students who choose HLGU recognize the added value of a Christian university. They seek a sense of community among fellow students who share similar ideals. Currently, we have students from 26 states and a number of international countries.
  • 我们欢迎 - We welcome your visit. Tour our campus, meet our professors, spend some time with our students. Get to know HLGU --a University marked by character and purpose.

For more information, call the Office of 招生 at 800-HLG-1119 or email admissions@anna-mina.com.