Name/Email/Title | Phone | Dept. |
Lucas Almeida Men's Soccer Coach | 573-629-3216 | Athletics |
Julie Andresen Library Director; Assistant Professor | 573-629-3130 | Library |
David Babcock Head Baseball Coach | 573-629-3217 | Athletics |
Gail Barrowclough Assistant Registrar | 573-629-3046 | Registrar |
Brice Baumgardner Assistant Vice President of Enrollment Management | 573-629-3280 |
Financial Aid Admissions |
Martha Bergen Professor of Christian Education Emerita | 573-629-3096 | Christian Studies |
Robert Bergen Distinguished Professor of Old Testament Emeritus | Christian Studies | |
Clayton Biggs Athletic Director; Chair, Exercise and Sport Science Department; Assistant Professor of Exercise and Sport Science | 573-629-3025 | Exercise and Sport Science |
Michelle Simpson Education Office Manager | 573-629-3110 | Education |
Sue Booth Campus Store Manager | 573-629-3002 | Campus Store |
Jessie Briggs Accounts Payable Clerk | 573-629-3057 | Business Office |
Sabrina Brookshire
Assistant Professor of Theatre Campus Technical Director |
573-629-3170 | Theatre |
Basia Brown Women's Volleyball Coach | 573-629-3220 | Athletics |
Bruce Capp Chair, Division of Social Science; Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice | 573-629-3064 | Criminal Justice |
Angelia Carpenter Executive Assistant to the President & Facilities Coordinator | 573-629-3252 | President's Office |
Raymond W. Carty Vice President for Institutional Advancement, Professor of Education & Leadership | 573-629-3094 | Institutional Advancement |
Don Colborn Chair, Division of Natural Science and Mathematics; Chair, Science Department; Professor of Biology | 573-629-3152 | Biology |
Dori Colborn Payroll/Benefits Coordinator | 573-629-3058 | Business Office |
Todd Damotte Marketing Director | 573-629-3118 | Marketing and Communications |
Laura Davis-Maas Associate Professor of Nursing | 573-629-3147 | Nursing |
Darrin DeLaPorte Network Analyst | 573-629-3033 | Computer Services |
Scott Douglas Assistant Director of Admissions | 573-629-3262 | Admissions |
Jason Durst Head Coach, Men's Basketball; Assistant Professor of Exercise and Sport Science | 573-629-3213 | Athletics |
Kay Ellis Cataloging Assistant | 573-629-3135 | Library |
Tammy Emerson Art Department Instructor | 573-629-3176 | Art |
Randy Ewart Nursing Office Manager | 573-629-3140 | Nursing |
Mario Gabriel Director of Campus Ministry and Missions | 573-629-3224 | Student Life |
Joseph Garner Director of the Registrar | 573-629-3045 | Registrar |
Natalie Geralds Head Athletic Trainer | 573-629-3219 | Athletics |
Kathy Gunn Co-Director, Craigmiles School of Nursing; Chair of the Nursing Division; Associate Professor of Nursing | 573-629-3148 | Nursing |
Sheri Haye Controller | 573-629-3056 | Business Office |
Scott Hawes Director of Maintenance | 573-629-3240 | Maintenance |
Amanda Henry Chair, English Department; Associate Professor of English; Honors Program Director | 573-629-3040 | English |
Timothy Hickman Assistant Men's Varsity Basketball Coach | 573-629-3228 | Athletics |
Albert Higdon Chief of Campus Police | 573-629-3007 | Public Safety |
Jordan Hosmer Assistant Professor of English; Theatre Instructor | 573-629-3171 | Theatre |
Dan Hurst Chair, Physical Education Department; Head Coach, Softball; Assistant Professor of Exercise and Sport Science | 573-629-3215 | Athletics |
David Hutchison Public Services Technician and Office Manager | 573-629-3137 | Library |
Courtney Janes Associate Professor of Education | 573-629-3107 | Education |
Deanette Jarman Assistant Professor of Education | 573-629-3106 | Education |
Christy L. Jung Chair of Communications Department; Assistant Professor of Communication Studies | 573-629-3180 | Communication Studies |
Joseph Kejr System Administrator | 573-629-3009 | Computer Services |
Amanda Kohl Guest Experience Coordinator | 573-629-3264 | Admissions |
Jennifer Lawzano Assistant Professor of Nursing | 573-629-3149 | Nursing |
Marilyn Lehenbauer Mailroom Supervisor and Central Receiving Coordinator | 573-629-3001 | Mailroom |
Elva Light Part Time Academic and Career Service Staff | 573-629-3016 | Academic and Career Services |
Kevin Lowe Assistant Professor of Nursing | 573-629-3144 | Nursing |
Kaitlyn Mahsman Social Media Specialist | 573-629-3116 | Marketing |
Kathryn Martin Director of Academic and Career Services | 573-629-3016 | Academic and Career Services |
Robert Matz
President Professor of Theology and Preaching |
573-629-3252 | Administration |
Lee McBride Public Safety Officer | 573-629-3012 | Public Safety |
Lonnie Nelson Professor of Philosophy | 573-629-3201 | Humanities, Academics |
Ashley Newton Director of Residential Life | 573-629-3158 | Student Life |
Mark Nowak Computer and Acquisitions Technician | 573-629-3134 | Library |
Donna Pirc Poplar Bluff TRC Teacher Education Program Coordinator; Associate Professor of Education | 573-840-9470 | Education |
Kelly Quigle Head Coach, Women’s Basketball; Instructor of Exercise and Sport Science | 573-629-3212 | Athletics |
David Robarts Online Design Coordinator; Assistant Professor of Christian Studies and History | 573-629-3050 | Academic Administration |
Mary Shirley Assistant Director of Financial Aid | 573-629-3281 | Financial Aid |
Melanie Smith Chair of Education Division; Chair of Education Department; Associate Professor of Education | 573-629-3108 | Education |
Carla Steinbeck Advancement Coordinator | 573-629-3124 | Institutional Advancement |
Luke Stoffel Head Coach for Track & Field and Cross Country | 573-629-3221 | Athletics |
Lois Storrs Instructor of Nursing | 573-629-3074 | Nursing |
Janet Stuckman Associate Professor of Nursing | 573-629-4146 | Nursing |
David Sundeen Vice President of Academic Administration | 573-629-3112 | Education |
Rodrick Sweet Site Director at the Jefferson City Correctional Center; Instructor of Christian Studies | Christian Studies | |
Michelle Todd Chair of Professional Studies Division; Chair of Computer Sciences Department; PHD of Information Sciences and Learning Technologies | 573-629-3202 | Computer Sciences |
Eric Turner Chair of Humanities and Fine Arts Division; Chair of Christian Studies Department; Associate Professor of New Testament and Greek; Director of Church and Denominational Relations; Moorman Professor | 573-629-3098 | Christian Studies |
Tad Wingo
Vice President for Enrollment Management and Marketing Vice President of Student Life |
573-629-3123 | Admissions, Marketing, Student Life |
Virginia Wolgemuth Director, Craigmiles School of Nursing | 573-629-3143 | Nursing |
Abby Westerfeld Shotgun Sports / Farm Manager | (573) 629-3059 | Athletics |
Lauren Youse Director of Alumni Relations and Development | 573-629-3126 | Alumni Office |
David Ziegler Professor of Chemistry | 573-629-3155 | Chemistry |
Debbie Ziegler Chair, Department of Mathematics; Assistant Professor of Mathematics | 573-629-3154 | Mathematics |