
The 自由的社会 programming at 汉尼拔-LaGrange University is focused on promoting the ideals of a free society. We focus on three foundations of a free society, which are democratic form of government, free market economic systems, 和 cultural institutions, 就像教堂一样. The speakers we bring to campus 和 events we host emphasize concepts within these three foundations, often viewing them through the lens of a Biblical worldview, which is central to the mission of 汉尼拔-LaGrange University.

自由的社会 programming offers a scholarship for incoming 和 current students studying 业务. One student from each class is selected each year to receive the $3,000 scholarship. Scholars are required to attend all 自由的社会 events 和 give input 和 feedback on speakers. 事件 are free to the public 和 beneficial to all students studying 业务.

For more information on how to apply for the 自由的社会 Scholarship contact freesociety@anna-mina.com.

自由的社会 events are made possible 和 in partnership with the Moorman Foundation.

自由的社会 U Podcast

The 自由的社会 U podcast is an opportunity for to have a deeper conversation with our guests on a variety of topics that may come up during their presentation. The casual layout allows the speakers to share more details about their perspective on encouraging a free society.

You can find the episodes on the 自由的社会 YouTube page.



  • Alex和er Mallory – TBD


You can watch any of our past speakers on our YouTube channel.


  • 莱利盖恩斯 – 自由的社会 Speaker Series – 1/31/2024
  • 密苏里州 Attorney General Andrew Bailey – 3/1/2024

秋天年代emester 2023

  • 德克迪顿 – Constitution Day – 9/21/2023
  • 自由的社会 Movie Night – 香港人 – 0/2/2023
  • Dr. Tawni Ferrarini – “Democratic Socialism versus Capitalism”
    自由的社会 Speaker Series – 11/9/2023


  • 自由社会活动: 金融纠纷 – 3/6/2023
  • 自由的社会 Movie Night – 自由的诞生 – 3/7/2023
  • Dr. Tawni Ferrarini  – 自由的社会 Speaker Series – 3/23/2023
  • 自由的社会 Reading Group – 3/26/2023
  • 自由的社会 Scholarship Presentations – 4/17/2023
  • Yeonmi公园 – 自由的社会 Speaker Series – 4/25/2023


  • Tri-状态 Development Summit at Culver Stockton College – 9/16/2022
  • Dr. 道格·克伦 – Constitution Day –  9/19/2022
  • 辛迪O 'Laughlin – 自由的社会 Speaker Series – 10/11/2022
  • 自由的社会 Movie Night – 贫困的公司. – 11/7/2022
  • 自由的社会 Reading Group – 11/20/2022


  • 雷切尔·弗格森 – “Black Liberation Through the Marketplace”
    自由的社会 Speaker Series – 2/22/2022
  • 斯科特•霍尔 & 凯拉迈耶 – 自由的社会 Foundations Lecture – 3/3/2022
  • 自由的社会 Reading Group – 3/5/2022
  • 詹姆斯美国华福 – “The Pervasive Problem of Misguided Compassion” –
    自由的社会 Speaker Series –3/22/2022
  • 汉娜Stolze – 自由的社会 Speaker Series – 4/18/2022
  • 卡西迪的冬天 – 自由的社会 Speaker Series – 4/22/2022


  • 杰弗瑞J. Ventrella – Constitution Day Speaker Series –  9/7/2021
  • 大卫•罗兰 – Constitution Day Speaker Series – 9/16/2021
  • 自由的社会 Movie Night (10/26/2021) – “What is an Entrepreneur?”, “The Conditions for Entrepreneurship”“The Impact of Entrepreneurship”.
  • 自由的社会 Reading Group – 11/6/2021
  • 斯科特•霍尔 – “Does the Bible Teach Socialism?” – 自由的社会 Lecture – 11/19/2021

For more information about 自由的社会 or the Speaker Series at HLGU, email FreeSociety@anna-mina.com 或致电573-629-3260.